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News & stories

Alpiq installs first Tesla house battery

The first Tesla battery for home use, which was installed by Alpiq, has been in operation since the beginning of March. Helion Solar’s experts…

Helion Solar expands the Migros solar power plant in the canton of Solothurn

The most powerful solar power plant in Switzerland covers an area equivalent to 160 tennis courts. It is installed on the roofs of the Migros…

Zehn Gründe für eine Heimladestation

Die weit verbreitete Vermutung, man könne sein Elektrofahrzeug ohne Sicherheitsbedenken zu Hause an der Steckdose laden, stimmt nicht. Wir zeigen…

Zentralbahn: new KuMa catenary wires near Stans

Kummler+Matter has completely renewed the catenary wire system for Zentralbahn on the Stans–Stansstad route and reinforced the power supply. The work…

Load management from Alpiq improves efficiency for Mega Gossau AG

Mega Gossau AG is the Swiss specialist for metal die-casting and a market leader for customer-specific metal solutions as well as for door and window…

Alpiq InTec installs new remote control systems for 5000 sirens

Siren test tomorrow, Wednesday! Over the last three years, Alpiq InTec has been upgrading the remote controls of the 5000 Swiss sirens so the…

Gotthard Base Tunnel: maintenance contract for KuMa

Zurich – Prestigious success for Kummler+Matter: SBB has entrusted the Alpiq company with an important maintenance contract in the new Gotthard Base…

Efficient ventilation from Alpiq InTec for the signinahotel in Laax

A further energy-efficiency beacon project: for the signinahotel in Laax in the canton of Graubünden, Alpiq InTec has designed and installed a new…

Alpiq building technology in Roche's Building 1: energy efficiency high in the sky

Over the past few days, the striking Roche Tower in Basel has come to life, with the first of 2000 employees moving into the new Building 1. To ensure…

Alpiq installs new network control station for gas network operator in Lower Saxony

Alpiq Prozessautomation AG designed and installed a new network control station for Gastransport Nord GmbH (GTG) in Oldenburg in the north of Germany.…